martedì 1 febbraio 2011

The Pizza Vocabulary

First Class students may appreciate this list of pizza toppings..but also kids from the third year, since we're going to England!

Some of the most popular pizza toppings:


Artichoke hearts (carciofini)
Capers (capperi)
Cherry tomatoes (pomodorini)
Green peppers (peperoni)
Red peppers
Yellow peppers
Green olives (olive verdi)
Black olives
Mushrooms (funghi)
Onion (cipolla)
Roasted aubergine (melanzana grigliata)
Roasted garlic (aglio)
Roasted peppers
Rocket (rucola)
Spinach (spinaci)
Sweet corn (mais dolce)

Herbs and spices:
Basil (basilico)
Garlic (aglio)

Sea Food:
Anchovies (acciughe)
Prawns (gamberetti)
Salmon (salmone)
Smoked Salmon
Squid (calamaro)
Tuna (tonno)

Bacon (pancetta)
Ham (prosciutto)

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